Atlantic City Reimagined

A quick, affordable and memorable “staycation” in New Jersey are the New Jersey beaches, also known as the Jersey shore. The most popular of them all is Atlantic City (AC). Most of AC’s attraction is centered around the beautiful clean beach, 4-mile long boardwalk and casinos. The casino may signal a red flag if you’re considering a family get away, however the pier offers kid-friendly alternatives to the casinos. Other options are The IMAX movie theater, Atlantic City Aquarium and StoryBook Land. You can also plan your “staycation” at a hotel with tons of family activities during the day and night life thrills just for the adults.
I planned my son’s 5th birthday party in AC; the theme was “whatever happens in AC stays in AC”! Invited were four of his cousins for a 2-day fun filled time at Harrah’s Resort. We had access to the pool, arcade and of course the beach. I purchased a cake from home and beach treats. The children had a blast. Bringing my niece was great as well because she was able to watch the children while my sister and I enjoyed a few cocktails and the night life. Although I did not get the opportunity to take advantage of the spa, it is definitely a treat to add when you visit AC.
Another reason to visit AC is the shopping excursions. The Pier Shops at Ceasars offer all of your high-end stores, while the outlet stores are placed throughout the streets of AC. Shopping is plentiful for all, no matter the budget.
Lets talk hotel, dining and night life now. There are a lot of similarities to Las Vegas (Vegas). Just like Vegas there are a range of hotels. Now because the focus is “staycation”, I definitely would suggest planning your hotel stay in advance if you are on a budget, especially during the summer. The prices increase because of the popularity and beach life. However if you’re coming from the east coast like myself, the prices compared to Vegas will even out when you subtract the cost of airfare.
The dining in AC has changed so much since I was younger due to the influx of celebrity chefs. Some of the name brand restaurants and their popularity have been a game changer when selecting where to dine. I have gone to AC just to eat dinner, or partake in celebratory occasions. The dining experience is definitely worth considering on you AC visit.
The night life is centered around Harrah’s Pool Club, and the Borgata (Mixx and MurMur). There are more sprinkled throughout other hotels, but I believe they are most popular. I have visited both and they give me “Jersey Shore Vibes”! It is not a bad thing, just not always my preference. Just remember you can always have the club accommodate your needs if you call in advance or there is no budget.
Atlantic City will give you a destination resort feel, and will satisfy a relaxing “staycation”!